Daily Archives: June 4, 2015

#TBT Fashion… The 80’s revisited


Ahhhhh the 80’s! When I drift back to that space and time…. the things that come to mind…
My family (all of us together) I miss us! Sunshine… the 80’s looking  back my memories are ALWAYS sunny and bright. (I think that means i had a good childhood) I think of the things we no longer have the privilege  of having, like REAL Jell-O pudding pops.

Then I think back to the FASHION of the 80’s …what were we thinking… or were we even thinking at all?


As much as people like to harp on the totally rad clothing of the 80’s, I’m finding myself slipping  back to grab a few pieces from my childhood. Back then I couldn’t  afford to rock my VINTAGE T-SHIRTS but I can’t  get enough of them.


I also notice that 80’s clothing  have been trending in the following places…
*Closets of teens who are just discovering their sense of style
*The 25+ age group when it comes to club and lounge wear.
*Movies and advertising


It made me wonder, do my friends have ANY of their wardrobe from the 80’s? How would I do with a trendy shop dedicated to the decade(s) I love.


Dear  2015 Trendy Shoppers,
When I open my Rubiks Mobile Fashion Mall dedicated to VINTAGE 80’s/90’s wear, would you shop from it?
QUESTION #2  TEENS…If you had the option the option to shop from your parents 80’s  clothing, would you?

IN SEARCH OF: Gently used 80’s and 90’s fashion and accessories. Turn your 80’s clothes into some extra cash!
email: look4thefro@gmail.com  for more info!


I look forward to opening  up my vintage shop… and I look forward  to the fun outfits you will put together.



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